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Today’s Copies Of The Torah And The Bible

Now, let us put our hand on our heart and ponder: can a book containing partly Words of Allah, partly a prophet’s utterances, and mostly narratives conveyed by various people be accepted as the ‘Word of Allah’? In fact, the sundry errors in their parts which we have classified as man-made, the differring accounts given about the same events, the incongruity of the scores and numbers given, –which will be dealt with later in the text and the mistakes will be pointed out–, add corroborative evidence to the plain fact that today’s copies of the Torah and the Bible are human fabrications.

Muslims’ Holy Book, the Qur’ân al-kerîm, declares, as is purported in the eighty-second âyat-i-kerîma of the Nisâ Sûra, “Will they still not think that the Qur’ân al-kerîm is the Word of Allah and meditate over its meaning? [The Qur’ân al-kerîm is the Word of Allah.] Were it not the case, it would definitely contain inconsistencies.” How true it is! The inconsistencies in the Holy Bible indicate that it is a human utterance. Furthermore, as we shall enlarge on later, the copies of the Torah and the Bible have been examined, corrected, altered, amended and, in short, changed from one shape into another by various councils and synods. Can the Word of Allah be corrected? Since the Qur’ân al- kerîm was revealed up to our time, not a single letter in it has been changed. As we shall see in the division allotted to the Qur’ân al-kerîm, no effort has been spared to accomplish this end. That the Qur’ân al-kerîm has not been changed until now is a fact which the most bigoted Christian clergymen acknowledge, though with fierce jealousy. The Word of Allah will be so! It will never change. Let us see what Christian theologians and scientists say on whether today’s Gospels are the Word of Allah or man- made:

Dr. Graham SCROGGIE, a member of the Moody Bible Institute, makes the following observation on the seventeenth page of his book ‘Is the Bible the Word of God?’:

“Yes, the Holy Bible is man-made. Some people deny this for reasons I do not know. The Holy Bible is a book that was formed in the human brain, which was written by the human hand in the human language, and which bear entirely human characteristics.”

Kenneth Cragg, a Christian theologian as he is, states as follows:

“The New Testament part of the Holy Bible is not the Word of Allah. It contains stories told directly by people and events narrated by eye-witnesses. These parts, which are sheer human language, are being imposed on people in the name of the Word of Allâhu ta’âlâ by the church.”

Theology Prof. Geiser says, “The Holy Bible is not the Word of God. Yet it is still a holy book.”

There were even popes among the people who were opposed to some Biblical tenets, i.e. Trinity. One of them, Pope Honorius, rejected the tripartite deity, which caused him to be anathematized forty-eight years after his death, by the council that convened in Istanbul in 680.

On the other hand, the Gospel written by Barnabas, who was one of the Apostles of Îsâ (Jesus) ‘alaihis-salâm’ and who had accompanied Paul in his journeys intended to promulgate the Christian religion, was immediately made away with, and the fact that was written in it, “Îsâ (Jesus) ‘alaihis-salâm’ said, Another Prophet, whose name is Muhammad ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa

sallam’, will come after me, and he will teach you many facts,” was hidden by the bigoted Christians.

This means to say that the decision that we and the Western men of knowledge reach about the Holy Bible is this: The Holy Bible is not the Word of Allah. The real Torah and the real Bible, which were the Word of Allah, have been turned into an altogether different book each. In today’s Bible, alongside the statements that can be considered to be the Word of Allah, there are many statements, reasonings, superstitions and tales that were added by other people. Especially those passages referring to tripartite godhead are fallacies that run quite counter to the essential belief in the Unity of Allah and to people’s common sense. =>

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PAGE : 88-99


PAGE : 141 – 152


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