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Observations On The Four Books Called Gospels

As is known, the Holy Bible, the basis of Christian creed, is of two divisions: Old Testament, and New Testament. The division called Old Testament consists of chapters said to have been taken from the heavenly book Taurah and episodes ascribed to some Israelite Prophets. The New Testament consists of the four Gospels and some epistles and pamphlets claimed to have been sent forth by some apostle, e.g. Paul. It is admitted by Christians also that the books of Old Testament were defiled. Those who would like to get detailed information in this respect may have recourse to the book Iz-hâr-ul-haqq, by Rahmatullah Efendi ‘rahmatullâh-i-aleyh’.  We  shall  not  give  detailed  information concerning the Old Testament here. [Jews augmented the persecutions and torments they had been practising over the Nazarenes. In addition to these persecutions and murders, they calumniated Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’ and his blessed mother, hadrat Maryam (Miriam, Mary), so much so that they went so far as to call that exalted Prophet an illegitimate child and his blessed mother a fornicator. In order to prove that the Holy Book of Taurah, which was revealed by Allâhu ta’âlâ, did not contain such abominable, detestable slanders, the Nazarenes translated the Taurah to Latin. In the final part of our book, detailed information will be given about the inner nature of the Jewish religion and the slanders and enmities that Jewry has done to Muslims and Christians, i.e. in the chapter headlined Judaism, the Taurah, the Talmud.] Strauss, a Protestant historian, [Strauss, (David Friedrich), is a German historian. He died in 1291 [A.D. 1874]. He published such works as The Life of Christ, Instruction on Christianity, The New Life of Jesus Christ] states as follows: “During the early years of expansion of Christianity the Christians made a Greek translation of the Old Testament, which had already been interpolated a number of times by Jewry. The Jews protested, with the pretext that the translation did not agree with the Israelite books that they had then. In order to find such answers as would rebut the Jews, the Christians made some new additions to the Greek version of the Old Testament. =>

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