The Islamic Religion - Start Learning True Religion by Reading Precious Islamic Books

Conclusions Drawn From The Statements Of The People Who Embraced Islam

The clear, sincere and concordant statements made by people belonging to various races, countries and professions on why they had accepted Islam reflect their personal convictions concerning Islam’s difference from and superiority to the other religions. They can be summed up as follows:

  • The Islamic religion recognizes one creator, one being worthy of being The name of this ma’bûd (being worthy of being worshipped) is Allâhu ta’âlâ. Men’s common sense inspires into them that there is one Allah. A reasonable person cannot accept the concept of polytheism, which is a common basis for many other religions.
  • The Islamic religion not only equips them with spiritual knowledge, but also teaches them what they should do for their lives in this world and in the Hereafter, and guides
  • Whereas Christians propound that man is born sinful and that his stay in the world is intended to expiate and to suffer, the Islamic religion states that human beings are innocent creatures when they are born, that they are beloved born slaves of Allâhu ta’âlâ, that they are responsible for their behaviour by the time they reach the age of puberty and discretion, and that they shall enjoy the infinite blessings of the Hereafter if they manage to abide by the right
  • Islam does not allow a third person between the born slave and Allâhu ta’âlâ in matters pertaining to worship, praying and These practices do not require a priestly intermediation.
  • Islam states that all Muslims are brothers, wherein differences of race, colour, language or country have no The Islamic religion holds everybody equal in the view of Allâhu ta’âlâ. During the performance of namâz, a person of the highest rank stands beside another, who may be of the lowest rank, a richest one beside another who, perhaps, is the poorest member of the society, and a white Muslim next to a black one, and with one accord they prostrate themselves before Allâhu ta’âlâ.
  • According to Islam, Prophets ‘alaihim-us-salâm’ are human beings like us. They are the most superior human beings in all respects. Their duty is to convey to us the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ. On account of their noble moral qualities and high natures, Allâhu ta’âlâ has chosen them and given them this duty. The Islamic religion acknowledges all the past Prophets ‘alaihim- us-salawâtu wa-t-taslîmât’ and pays them due respect.
  • Islam is a perfectly logical The Qur’ân al-kerîm does not contain a single principle that cannot be understood or which is contradictory to living conditions or scientific knowledge. All the commandments it dictates are extremely useful. The Islamic religion does not embody any superstitions. Preposterous tenets like worshipping idols, images, icons, which can be accepted only by primitive tribes and idolaters and which still exist in Christianity, cannot have access into Islam.
  • Christianity represents Allâhu ta’âlâ only as a source of Islam, in contrast, makes one love Allâhu ta’âlâ. What a Muslim fears for is lest he should incur the hatred of Allâhu ta’âlâ.
  • No one can force another person to become a The two hundred and fifty-sixth âyat of Baqara Sûra of the Qur’ân al- kerîm purports the injunction, “Conversion to Islam should not be done through compulsion.” On the other hand, Christian missionaries are trying to Christianize people by coersion or by promising advantages.
  • The Islamic acts of worship are intended only to express gratitude to Allâhu ta’âlâ and to attain His The prescribed prayer times drill people in orderliness and punctuality, and the yearly one-month fasting trains them to have command of their corporeal tendencies.

– Islam puts a special emphasis on cleanliness. Islam is the only religion which commands to do a certain type of physical cleaning before an act of worship. This strictness is totally missing from the other religions. The brevity of daily prayers rules out the possibility of their being a handicap to the daily chores.

  • Formation of good habits such as tenderness, charity, and compassion, which are the dominant topics of the sermons given by Christian clergymen, but which are never put into practice by their preachers, let alone by the preached, are peculiar to
  • On the economic platform, Islam jettisons both the capitalistic materialism and the communistic It protects the poor, without censuring the rich. It commands the rich to pay zakât to the poor. Furthermore, bringing together Muslims belonging to the sundry nations and races of the world, it establishes the most perfect social system of the world [Hajj].

– Islam prohibits consumption of alcohol, gambling, and drugs. The most disastrous vices of the world originate from these three pestilences.

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