The Islamic Religion - Start Learning True Religion by Reading Precious Islamic Books

All the castes (classes) in the religion of Brahmanism are rejected by Buddha. He does not accept the privileges granted to the classes of Brahmanism. They are not given superiority. He embraces (loves) the people called pariah. Human beings are not considered to be holy creatures. On the contrary, he claims that human beings are very deficient but they can get rid of their sins by being satisfied with the least amount, by behaving friendly towards everybody, and by fasting. It is a reality that there are some people among the Buddhists who perform amazing miracles as a result of making their nafs (a force within man prompting him to do evil) bright by fasting for a long time under very heavy conditions. This is why some senses within these people become so prominent that they can carry out some astonishing skills supernaturally. But these skills have no connection with religion or with love of Allâhu ta’âlâ. Their souls are empty. For, Buddhism does not contain belief in (Allah). =>

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PAGE : 261 – 263


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